[Crystal-develop] An update for Stefano about the intersection of planes
B. Isherwood
2013-06-27 19:29:19 UTC
Hello Stefano,

Okay so I figured out how to find the intersection of the planes, I have
updated my blog again with the details and images of the technique.


Okay I think I will upload the stand alone version I have been working with
so you can see how this project actually works, however keep in mind it is
not optimized to work in OpenGl ES yet, and the code is less than tidy at
the moment (both problems that will be remedied once the spheres can be
drawn without intersection). Currently I am working on finishing the corner
I am working on and then I will interpolate the technique to the other 7
Christian Van Brussel
2013-07-01 16:11:09 UTC
Hi Benjamin,

you don't have to wait for your code to be working before committing it,
and the sooner you commit it, the sooner we will be able to give you
more precise feedback.

It seems also that you are currently using direct OpenGL calls instead
of using iGraphics3D although this should be the case in the end.
Working like that for debugging purpose is probably OK though.
Christian Van Brussel
2013-07-01 16:16:09 UTC
Post by Christian Van Brussel
It seems also that you are currently using direct OpenGL calls instead
of using iGraphics3D although this should be the case in the end.
Working like that for debugging purpose is probably OK though.
I meant that direct OpenGL calls may be OK while you are working at
setting up your sphere decomposition, but if you plan to keep them at
the end as additional debug features, then it's probably better to use
directly iGraphics3D since OpenGL calls would need to be removed at the
Stefano Angeleri
2013-07-06 09:30:34 UTC
Hi Benjamin,
I was wondering did you hit some problem? Do you need help to start working
with the cs repository?
I didn't hear since a while and wanted to make sure all was right :)

Stefano Angeleri.
