[Crystal-develop] Planet simulation update
B. Isherwood
2013-07-25 01:18:24 UTC
Hello Christian and Stefano

I have updated the planet simulation blog
http://crystalspacegeodesicsphere.tumblr.com/, and I haven't been able to
figure out how to use svn+ssh which is why I haven't uploaded any code
previously however I have decided that I would upload the final openGL
version to my github account and the code can be found here

I felt kind of embarrassed that I couldn't figure out how to use the
version control system on sourceForge, so I just decided to keep working on
the terrain generator and my plan was to go on the irc to ask about
tutorials on how to check out using svn+ssh, once I had finished the planet
net in a usable form. However since GSOC requires the midterm evaluations
shortly, I have instead just uploaded the source file for the planet net. I
am aware that I am behind schedule as I wanted to have a basic terrain
mapped to the sphere surface by week 5 and it is currently week 7. I
understand if you guys take me out of the GSOC program, however as my
intentions with GSOC was more of an experience expectation and not an
employment expectation, I intend to finish the terrain generator either
way. I would like to request that regardless of your decision that you guys
will still offer me guidance if I need it.

Thanks for your time and I hope to have the net as functioning plugin
Stefano Angeleri
2013-07-25 12:15:04 UTC
I've tried and it and apart some minor issues seems to be working well,
we'll surely now look at it more deeply :)
As for the repository you can also just use https which is easier to use
(just replace ssh+svn with https), after a checkout it's actually easier
the update (pullish), edit, commit (commit+push) workflow.
When you wish feel free to poke me or others in irc (i'm weltall there in
case) and we can see about setting up the repository.

svn checkout
https://svn.code.sf.net/p/crystal/code/CS/branches/soc2013/planetsim cs
or if using tortoise svn or other similar gui check the checkout option and
put the url above without the ending cs

you might also need to merge trunk but we can think about that later.
Post by B. Isherwood
Hello Christian and Stefano
I have updated the planet simulation blog
http://crystalspacegeodesicsphere.tumblr.com/, and I haven't been able to
figure out how to use svn+ssh which is why I haven't uploaded any code
previously however I have decided that I would upload the final openGL
version to my github account and the code can be found here
I felt kind of embarrassed that I couldn't figure out how to use the
version control system on sourceForge, so I just decided to keep working on
the terrain generator and my plan was to go on the irc to ask about
tutorials on how to check out using svn+ssh, once I had finished the planet
net in a usable form. However since GSOC requires the midterm evaluations
shortly, I have instead just uploaded the source file for the planet net. I
am aware that I am behind schedule as I wanted to have a basic terrain
mapped to the sphere surface by week 5 and it is currently week 7. I
understand if you guys take me out of the GSOC program, however as my
intentions with GSOC was more of an experience expectation and not an
employment expectation, I intend to finish the terrain generator either
way. I would like to request that regardless of your decision that you guys
will still offer me guidance if I need it.
Thanks for your time and I hope to have the net as functioning plugin
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